NDT One of a kind



「ワン・オブ・ア・カインド」は3部構成だが、その3部はすべて北川原の用意した装置によって支配されている。第1部、舞台奥に、薄青い光線の加減で氷山のように見える台形や三角錐の白いオブジェが浮かんでいる。第2部、舞台上手に吊された巨大な円錐がゆっくり回転して照明を遮り<蝕>を実現する。第3部、黒い階段状のオブジェが舞台中央に位置しやがて舞台奥へとゆっくり移動していびつに分割され、その手前、舞台全面を覆う縄のれんのように幾本もの細網が下りてきて紗を形成する。舞台美術を手掛けるのははじめてという北川原の初々しさが、キリアンを刺激したことは疑いない。キリアンは、北川原に寄り添うことによってそのエロスを実現している。北川原温の初舞台を祝福したい。(三浦雅士 批評家)

キリアンはかつて東京の建築を見て回ったとき、好きなものがみな北川原温の設計であるのに気がついたという。オランダ政府から憲法記念事業の一環として大作を委嘱されると、彼はその舞台美術を北川原に依頼した。この作品の中心は刻々と変わる舞台空間にある。シンプルなオブジェと空間とが光によってさまざまに表情を変える。北川原のほとんど崇高といってよいデザインにミヒャエル・シモン(フォーサイス作品でも照明を担当している)は息を呑むような照明を与えた。キリアンは、いつもの、音楽の解説のような振付も、これでもかとばかり凝った振りを繰り出すこともやめた。ただ北川原とシモンに存分に世界を作らせ、それを緊迫したダンサーの身体という糸で貫いた。(尼ヶ崎彬 学習院女子大学教授)

Stage set for “ONE OF A KIND”, a modern ballet piece in three acts. Jiri Kylian, world-famous choreographer as well as artistic director of Netherlands Dance Theatre, was commissioned to produce a commemorative work for the 150th anniversary of the Constitution by the Dutch government and invited us to design his stage. The work was presented firstly at Hague, and then traveled to Opera Garnier in Paris, Lincoln Center in New York and others. It was highly acclaimed through all over the world.

“One of a Kind” is a choreographic work in three parts, ruled entirely by the stage setting of Kitagawara. In Act I, iceberg-like objects and white pyramid are floating under blue dim light at the bottom of the stage. In Act II, a huge hanging cone turns slowly around, blocking illumination and realizing an eclipse. In Act III, black staircase is placed at the center, moved away slowly toward the bottom and divided into pieces, while, at front stage, a series of fine nets is descending like a gauze and covers up the entire stage. There is no doubt that Kylian was inspired greatly by the pure sensibility of Kitagawara, for whom it was the first experience of designing performing art. The eroticism of Kylian could be sublimed into through the partnership with Kitagawara. We bless him for the very first stage.(Masashi Miura, Critic.)

After an architectural tour around Tokyo, Jiri Kylian once commented, he realized that every masterpiece he preferred was designed by Kitagawara. The choreographer, therefore, invited Kitagawara to design the stage of his full-evening dance piece One of a Kind which was commissioned by the Dutch Government for the 150th anniversary of the Constitution.The essence of this spectacle is the gradual transformation of the space. Its visual impression of simple objects and space changes variously according to the lighting effect. Michael Simon (a lighting designer for William Forsythe) gave a breathtaking lighting to the Kitagawara’s almost sublime stage setting. Before two artists, Kylian abandoned his usual liner-note-like choreograph or insistent gesture. He left Kitagawara and Simon to fully construct their world, and just let dancer’s bodies pierce the sphere.(Akira Amagasaki, Professor of Gakushuin Women’s College.)