北川原 温 (きたがわら あつし)
- 1951年 長野県出身
- 1974年 東京芸術大学美術学部建築科卒業
- 1977年 同大学院修士課程修了
- 1975年〜1982年 国内外で設計修行
- 1982年 株式会社北川原温建築都市研究所設立
- 2001年 東京芸術大学美術学部建築科助教授
- 2005年 東京芸術大学美術学部建築科教授
- 2007年 ベルリンにヨーロッパ事務所を開設
- 2019年 ヨーロッパ事務所をベルリンからミラノへ移転
- 2019年 東京芸術大学名誉教授
- 東京芸術大学名誉教授
- 日本建築学会会員
- 日本建築家協会会員
- 日本建築士会会員
- 日本デザインコミッティ会員
- 公共建築協会会員
- 1級建築士
- 米国建築家協会会員
フランスの詩人、S. マラルメの詩や、M. デュシャンの美術作品をモチーフに建築や都市を構想するなど、独創的な設計で知られている。
代表作は、東日本大震災のときに2,000人の被災者の避難場所となったビッグパレットふくしまをはじめ、中村キース・ヘリング美術館、岐阜県立森林文化アカデミー、アリア、不知火図書館・美術館、ONE OF A KIND(舞台美術)など。
Atsushi Kitagawara
- 1951 born in Japan (at the foot of the Japan Alps)
- 1974 Bachelor of Architecture, Tokyo University of Arts
- 1977 Master of Architecture, Tokyo University of Arts
- 1975〜1982 studying and working as architect in Japan and other countries
- 1982 Principal, Atsushi Kitagawara Architects, Inc.
- 2001 Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Arts
- 2005 Professor at Tokyo University of Arts
- 2007 Established Atsushi Kitagawara Architects Europe in Berlin, Germany
- 2019 Relocated Europe office from Berlin to Milan, Italy
- 2019 Emeritus Professor, Tokyo University of Arts
- Emeritus Professor, Tokyo University of Arts (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music)
- Member, Architectural Institute of Japan
- Member, Japan Institute of Architects
- Member, Japan Federation of Architects and Building Engineers Associations
- Member, Japan Design Committee
- Member, Public Buildings Association in Japan
- First-class registered Architect by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
- Member, American Institute of Architects
Atsushi Kitagawara was born in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. He won the first prize of an international architectural design competition when he was only a 21 years old student of the Tokyo University of Arts. After obtaining his Master in Architecture, he kept studying by himself in his home country and also abroad, and at the age of thirty, he established his own office.
He is renowned for his original ideas and creative methods to conceive architecture and urban design, often inspired by a spectrum of fields, such as contemporary art and literature. Some of his inspirations have been the artworks of Marcel Duchamp, the poetry of Stéphane Mallarmé, and the novels of Albert Camus, Franz Kafka or Kōbō Abe. Since he has been engaged in a wide range of architectural projects, along with urban planning, landscape design and furniture, many of his works and creations have been exhibited around the world.
Kitagawara also contributed to the academic field by teaching at Tokyo University of Arts which he graduated from. Through his researches at his laboratory in the university, he and his students explore their designs associating with professionals of various categories such as science, music, new performing art and so on.
The representative works of Kitagawara include “Big Palette Fukushima” which has been used as a shelter for the 2000 victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, “Nakamura Keith Haring Collection Art Museum”, “Gifu Academy of Forest Science and Culture”, “Aria”, “Shiranui Library and Art Museum”, “One of a Kind” (Stage design) etc.
He has been awarded with the AIJ Prize(Architectural Institute of Japan), the JIA Grand Prix, Murano Togo Prize, the Japan Art Academy Prize, the American Institute of Architects Award, the Japan Professional Honor Award, the Gold Medal ARCASIA Award, the Grand-Prix Kenneth F. Brown Architecture Design Award, the First Prize at the IA awards in Italy, the Bessie Award, the Gold Medal Good Design Award, and the Japan Library Architecture Award.
Recently, Atsushi Kitagawara designed the Japan Pavilion for the Expo Milano 2015, the Basel World MIKIMOTO, the Extension of Nakamura Keith Haring Collection Art Museum, the Hotel Key Forest Hokuto, the project of new headquarters and factory of Nakanishi Inc., the Kobuchizawa Station and Plaza and the Tokyo College of Transport Studies. Moreover, we have 11 projects in Japan and overseas in progress at this moment.
The portfolio “ATSUSHI KITAGAWARA ARCHITECTS” was published by the German editor JOVIS in 2013. Since 2018, the Centre Pompidou / Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris (France) conserves 23 drawings and 4 concept models of Atsushi Kitagawara as a part of the public collection.
He is currently president of Atsushi Kitagawara Architects as well as emeritus Professor at Tokyo University of Arts.